Gemserv - are an expert provider of professional services helping clients make the most of a world increasingly driven by data and technology.

A rent review has been concluded by HBC Real Estate in 8 Fenchurch Place London EC3. Having been in occupation of their current premises above Fenchurch Street Station for 5 years Gemserv were looking at a steep increase in the rent they were paying this having last been negotiated back in 2014. The rent now agreed is of course confidential but the review has resulted in a rent payable less than £50.00 per sq ft per annum. Given that general market rent levels being negotiated in the locality exceed £60.00 per sq ft, we are pleased with the result.

More about Gemserv from their website www.gemserv.com
'We are an expert provider of professional services in a world driven by data and technology'. To find out more about what makes us tick, select one of the links below.
From enabling the revolution taking place in energy to helping harness the opportunities for technology to improve healthcare, Gemserv’s expertise plays an important role across many different sectors.
At the heart of what we do is leveraging data and digital technology to transform markets, making the things that matter work better.

If you are considering a move into or across the City of London then you will want the best commercial real estate advice advisors with a wealth of sector expertise and years of experience.
Talk to us at hbcrealestate.co.uk for the best corporate real estate advice from acquisitions to rent reviews and everything in between.
In the first instance contact:
Stephen English
M 07887 821387
T 020 7256 4970
